Prestation contrôlée par Ecocert

Powder processing requires great rigor, and we are committed to providing our customers with services that meet their quality expectations.
Our customers audit us regularly, and some of them request third-party halal and kosher inspections. Local authorities inspect the feed activity.
Our laboratory has all the equipment necessary to control particle size, to meet customer specifications and monitor the stability of our numerous processes.

Cleaning and disinfection
To prevent cross-contamination, we process the powders in separate workshops.
We dismantle, clean, disinfect and inspect the grinders before and after each production.
Our staff is trained regularly (GMP, procedures, instructions, safety, evolutions…).
Supervised by a management close to the field, the versatile operators are trained to work autonomously. They dismantle, clean, assemble and operate their facilities, which ensures a good understanding of the processes and the products treated.

With diverse powder processing services, and 23 independent workshops, AFT is your ideal outsourcing partner.